Arjaa Tailings Processing Calibration Plant (ATPCP)

The Arjaa Tailings Processing Calibration Plant (ATPCP) marks a significant early phase in our commitment to the remediation of mine tailings and mine waters, and the sustainable production of “green copper”. While the technology is being successfully applied in a number of countries worldwide, it has not been applied in the region and as such also serves as a technology demonstrator, but foremost it will enable GTMS to optimize the remediation and copper winning process for a wide range of mine waters, as well as copper and gold tailings.

Objective: The primary objective of the ATPCP is to optimize the remediation and copper recovery process for a wide range of copper and gold tailings, as well as mine waters. The plant will further enable GTMS to continuously optimize the process for the full scale Arjaa Tailings Processing Plant (ATPP), in which GTMS will process 10,000 ton/d of tailings.

Technology:  Utilizing advanced leach agitation processes, the plant will efficiently generate copper laden pregnant leach solution (PLS), which will be processed through our Solvent Extraction/Electrowinning (SX/EW) plant, to produce high grade 99.99% copper cathode, along with the safe disposal of secondary tailings. The technology minimizes freshwater consumption and CO2 emissions through extensive liquid recycling and the application of Solar PV for power generation and vacuum tube solar heating to provide process heat. Being skid mounted, the plant is highly mobile and can be relocated to other tailing remediation and copper winning sites as and when required.

Operation: The Calibration Plant will operate continuously with an expected uptime of 90% (330 d/a) with a production capacity of one ton of copper cathode per week. During start-up in January 2025 the SX/EW plant will initially be fed with copper laden mine waters. Once the leach agitation section will be commissioned in March 2025, the plant will be fed with copper tailings.