The Arjaa Tailing Processing Plant (ATPP) represents a pivotal step in our efforts to remediate mining residuals and transform them into a sustainable highly valuable resource. With a processing capacity of 10,000 tons of tailings per day, the ATPP will not only have a significant impact on environmental remediation but will also make a large contribution to copper recovery from mining residuals which until recently were classified as a waste product rather than a valuable resource.
Objective: A key objective of the ATPP is to enable the remediation of large amounts of mining residuals and to produce “green copper” and potentially silver and gold in the process. A number of copper mining companies inside and outside Oman have expressed a strong interest for GTMS to process their old and/or newly generated mine tailings, both for environmental and economic reasons.
Technology & Environment: Similar to the small scale Arjaa Tailing Processing Calibration Plant (ATPCP) the large scale Arjaa Tailing Processing Plant (ATPP) will employ cutting-edge leach agitation technology to generate copper laden pregnant solution (PLS) from tailings. A subsequent solvent extraction / electrowinning (SX/EW) process will convert the PLS into high purity copper cathodes, ready for sale and export. While this well proven technology has successfully been applied in a number of countries around the globe, it is a “First” for the region. In addition, the unique nature of the deployment by GTMS lies in the fact that the copper winning technology is combined with renewable energy and nature based water treatment technologies as well as state-of-the-art mine site rehabilitation practices.
Operation: The ATPP will have a tailing processing capacity of 10,000 tons per day, and with a 90% anticipated uptime, will be capable of processing 3.3 mln tons of tailings per year. The plant is anticipated to be commissioned by mid-2026.